Story Sharing for Children – “Frog and Toad”

Categories : 故事 , 親子

“Frog and Toad”, a series of short stories from “An I Can Read Book” by Arnold Lobel & published by Harper Collins, talking about the arts of life between the friendship of Frog and Toad. These stories are recommended to kindergarten kids, enjoy reading together with their parents.

Story about love – The Garden

Have you ever plant a seed? My kids would each bring back home with a seed at the beginning of every school year term. Unfortunately, none of the seeds could grow although we gave them sunshine and water. This story, The Garden, tells us why we failed. Besides the essential of life elements such as sunshine and water, we still need to “love” – giving love and receiving love. In the story, Toad talked to seeds, sang to seeds and told stories to seeds which shown his love to them. The seeds finally grew up and Toad enjoyed his own garden like Frog has. In reality, we not only provide the food to our pets or kids or older parents, but also share our love with them through playing, listening, accompanying, encouraging… so that we would enjoy a better life with our beloved ones.

Story about fun  – Ice-cream

The right path for our life is walking towards “happy” side. If you found something bad happen, stay positive and try to make some changes and see what the result will be. If the result still cannot make you happy, change again until you feel comfortable on it. That’s why having fun are indispensable in our life so as to cover us with some sugarcoat. In the story, Toad brought two ice-cream cones and walked a long way back to Frog. During the long journey, the ice-cream melted and Toad finally slipped down and fell into a hole. Two ice-cream cones stuck on his head as if a monster with two horns. His appearance is really funny which made my kids laugh loudly. If we can read a funny story like “ice-cream”, it will create fun and warm time with your family.

Story about do things right away – Tomorrow

How many times you left the things for tomorrow? And why you didn’t finish them right away? You may claim that there are loads of things to do and it is impossible to finish them within a day, however, you are eventually found on the bed, in front of the video games or smart phone. At night time, you are worried about tomorrow as there are still lots of works waiting for you. In the story, Toad left all the housework for tomorrow but he felt so sad as he should get the works done tomorrow. He asked Frog what if he tidys the things up right away and Frog agreed that he will not spend time tomorrow on the things which were done today. Toad finally decided to complete all the housework and he felt good and peaceful afterwards. He also had time to take some rests after doing all the housework.

Story about persevere – The Kite

“Never give up” is easier said than done. Encourage from others would be helpful to motivate someone to move forward. In the story, Toad tried to threw the kite over his head but failed to fly it. Robins laughed at him and told him to give up. Frog encouraged Toad to have several trials: threw the kite over head, jump up & down and shouted “FLY KITE FLY” loudly and the kite finally flew into the air even higher than the flying robins. Besides encourage from others, ignore some gossips, especially negative ones is a good way to focus on our aim and move forward to success.

Stories about friendship – Alone and The letter

I do not have many friends. I can count them within my fingers, but I cherish our friendship by listening to them if they need an ear and accompanying with them if they need support in order to show my empathy. I deeply believe that it is the secret for keeping the friendship forever. In the story, Frog was willing to wait for the uncoming letter with Toad and even wrote and sent a letter to Toad so that Toad would receive a letter one day. It is so touching when Toad read Frog’s letter.


Reading bedtime stories to children is the best way to deliver good values not only to them but also to the parents themselves. Parents are so lucky to have second or even more chances to learn to live better together with their children and family.

2 comments on “Story Sharing for Children – “Frog and Toad”


    • 10 9 月, 2022 at 8:37 上午

    Thanks for sharing.


    • 4 12 月, 2022 at 9:02 上午

    Thanks for your support and reading.

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